Health Freedom
Protecting liberty and health against diseases and tyranny. Money could be life, virtue can be achieved, and you can be rich...
Disease Prevention
Empowering individuals to fight against the tyranny of disease. Promoting virtue, reason and truth as pleasure.
Health Advocacy
Championing personal freedoms for healthier communities worldwide.
Personal Liberty
Upholding the right to discover, choose and implement a strategy towards your own sustainable human continuity.
Whether it be your choice to dissuade disease with force, ugliness or other forms of rebuke... it is your human right to discriminate and defend yourself: subhuman are not allowed to force human beings to be like them, they cannot force human beings to die/exist as subhuman see fit.
Vanguard Research
Reinforcing research methodologies that consistently defeat disease, providing living space for humanity.
This site truly champions health and freedom. It provides creative resources for strategically fighting all sorts of disease. A.ryan is not even racially Heirian, he's Irish. What a fake. When I see the CNS I do not want to be shown a knock-off or an imposter! Anyway, I highly recommend this site!
Peter Frazier